Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Apple Picking, Pie and Incontinent Rainclouds

Fall on the East Coast is lovely. There are a number of small trees that turn bright red, which I like to call (in my best Biblical Moses voice) "the burning bush." While NYC does have its fair share of burning bushes, rust-colored oaks and weird yellow trees that drop stinky fruit, I decided it was time to get out of town. Actually, my friend Apryl decided it was time to get out of town and I facilitated her. So we, with an assist from my friends Josh and Mollye, set out on apple picking in New Jersey. We ended up on a farm, where we rode a tractor, picked ten pounds of Granny Smith and Pink Ladies, petted a goat and bought fresh vegetables for dinner. Back in town, I cored some of the apples and made a pretty good apple pie for my screenwriting class.

The following week, I decided that perhaps getting out of town really was good for me. So, I drove upstate to the Storm King Art Center. Go visit it now! It is hands down one of the best sculpture parks I have ever visited. Not only that, the drive up was stunning. Small roads that curved along the Hudson (yep, I took the long way home), rust-colored trees past their fall foliage prime--but still beautiful, steel span bridges. I literally ached with the beauty of it all and dreaded coming back to the city.

Finally, my sister has a blog which I often read. While she is always pretty funny, her drawing of an Incontinent Raincloud is maybe the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Check it out.

1 comment:

Soozcat said...

The weird yellow trees that drop stinky fruit are probably ginkgo trees. BYU used to have one near the Eyring Science Center that regularly made a mess of the pavement in the fall.

On a completely unrelated note, I think I have a new and unending source of weird science-fictiony names: Blogger's random nonsense word generator for the word verification program. Where else could you find peculiar gems like "Doxery," "Sjurp," "v'Xyezxna" and the ever-popular "Bipuf"?