Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Send me envelopes that look like this!

Hooray, I've reached 2% of my goal! This is all thanks to my friend Kris Merola who donated $21 so I'd hit $800 exactly. She makes art I want to hang on my walls and publishes beautiful books. Check out preachersbiscuitbooks.com.

Now I just have $39,200 left to go!

On Friday I went to the mail box to see if, perhaps, someone had finally sent me that long awaited love letter! Alas, the answer was no. However, I did find something almost as good. An envelope that looked like this:

Thank you, M. Klein, for sending such a great envelope! The next day, someone sent me a dollar in Hello Kitty stationery. Hello Kitty is now stuck with a magnet to my refrigerator.

See how easy it is to make me happy?

1 comment:

Captain Midnight said...

What about Sooz's envelope? Or did you not get that yet?

I think it got routed via Antarctica, China, and the moon.