Monday, May 08, 2006

Why I love my family...

I am one of six kids. The fourth of six kids to be exact.

When my mother was a teenager, her parents told her she could go to college, but she was only allowed to graduate in nursing or teaching. So, she became a teacher. My mother slightly resented that her parents chose the direction her life would take and actively encouraged us to go to school for whatever we felt like.

All of us chose the arts.

Now, graduating in pottery or film or music is rarely going to make you loads of cash. In fact, I remember wearing my cap and gown in the back row of the auditorium where the film majors were required to sit at graduation and making fun of the Broadcast Journalism majors with their perfectly coiffed helmet hair. As the ten of us giggled, one of the coiffed heads turned around and sneered, "I already have a job reporting for KSL (the local news station), while you film losers are probably flipping burgers."

I hated her. Mostly because she was nearly right. I was waiting tables.


When I told my family about the givebuckabuck idea they jumped on the bandwagon. Tim and Curtis put it on their websites. Michele offered people her prints if they'd donate. Sooz helped me put together this entire idea and anything that is remotely interesting about this blog. Jennifer sent it to all her peeps on myspace and she even sent me her life savings...a whole dollar!

I love my family because they are funny, smart, creative people that I would want for friends, even if they weren't related to me.


Soozcat said...

I think you're pretty spiffy too.

A. Nonny Mouse said...

I work for KSL. You're probably better off than she is... No matter what you're doing.
